Friday, February 10, 2012

Nikon D800 Review

Preview based on a pre-production Nikon D800
I thought the MegaPixel War was over a long time ago...

Anybody else worried THIS high of resolution will do more harm than good? I always read that you get diminishing returns when adding more pixels onto the same size sensor and some artifacting will occur at some point.

Guess we'll see, but seems that 36.3MP is better for selling more cameras and stacking up better on paper versus competitors in this class from the likes of Canon than for IQ results, especially considering that low light, high ISO performance is the loser when crazy high MegaPixel is the goal.

Can't wait to hear other thoughts on this

Nikon always made camera's with modest but very high quality sensors, and with not the biggest list of (useless) features. The D800 seems to be a camera for an engineer, checking a dozen of settings before shooting pictures. For those that like to impress best friends or neighbors with pictures of the dog in front of the house. Those that push people out of the way in a tourist attraction with the biggest tele while making a lot of fuzz. Be honest. What is this new, crazy Nikon pixel-race? Photography is creativity even beyond imagination. Don't believe your pictures will improve because with a 36.3Mpixel sensor in your camera - a D300 or D700 will still do the job. Also a Canon 5D, even first edition. I've got somehow a feeling that this camera is Nikon's biggest exaggeration and there might be some (bad) surprises in this concept we don't know yet. If you intend to buy this camera I would also put some extra money aside for the new PC & tons of diskspace: you'll need it.


Preview based on a pre-production Nikon D800

I personally prefer lower MP counts for better IQ and ISO performance, but it's clear from much of the internet feedback that many ppl are genuinely excited about the high MP count on the D800. I know for a certain segment of professionals, this will indeed be very useful but for more enthusiast shooters who do a variety of types of shooting, we'll see if they will actually like this or not when they actually put it into practice. It surprises me that some people are not even thinking about the practical side of managing such large files when it comes to memory card storage, and the slowing down of post processing workflow on their computers, forcing them to upgrade storage and perhaps computers or PC video cards just to handle the CPU demand.

To me its kind of a failure to see the forest from the trees, but I think people will learn soon enough
This new Nikon is £900 more than a 5D MkII. That difference would buy you a 5DMkII body AND a new D7000- quite a thought, oh, and a lens if you add on the cost of the D800E.

Nobody writing this preview has said if the D800E can be used for filming without moire wrecking shots. Nobody has said either if the moire reducing edition of Capture NX2 will be bundled FREE (because it is necessary...) with the much more expensive body, or if it will be yet another disc with a month's trial, after which you will HAVE to buy Capture NX2 (because Lightroom et al will not correct moire, now will they?

That is another £180.

I really hope all this confusion can be cleared up soon. Imagine launching a product before customer advice centres know what it does!!!?

When will Dpreview actually have one to discover what it DOES do? I am fed up! Must go to Japan and design the next Canikon!

Preview based on a pre-production Nikon D800

are UK and EU middlemen that greedy :
US: $2999.95
UK: £2399.99 == 3,778.76 USD
EU: €2829 == 3,731.60 USD
possibly its their higher import tax.
When I lived in Tokyo it was cheaper to buy a walkman in NY than Akihabara,
also when I worked in London I notices this retail price diff in favor to US buyers

Preview based on a pre-production Nikon D800

Any insights ?
Nikon's website states that the D800 incorporates technology borrowerd from the flagship D4. D800 has 36.3MP compared with 16.2MP on D4. Does this mean that D800 has better IQ?

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